TPT Device

To purchase any of our equipment, please call 818-981-1123 or email us at

DTS Device 1
Core Lower Body Exercise

TPT Exercises

Increase strength and acutely enhance the sense of balance,  explosiveness, reaction time, proprioception and  dynamic joint stability.

Characteristics of Device:

  • TPT device provides a Platform freely slides, tilts, translates, and rotates on bearing support.     
  • TPT device limits SOLIDLY the amount/distance of platform travel in all 3 planes of motion when the exerciser weights on the platform. (Concerning Safety)
  • TPT device creates unpredictable instability of the platform at all time during dynamic exercises that require both mental and physical focus. 

Benefits of Exercise:

  • Help promote more powerful and efficient force transmission between the trunk and lower extremities.
  • Increase muscular demand during dynamic exercise by forcing targeted muscles groups to react to maintain body accelerate through the resistance and decelerate rapidly due to the elastic return properties of the DTS (Motion Speed variations via proportional resistance to platform motion.)  
  • Allow a wider range of athletes and patients to be able to progress through a reactive training program (Concerning Safety and progressive trainings.)
  • Increases dynamic joint stability in both the upper and lower extremities which reduces the risk of non-contact sport related muscle and joint injuries (Reaction of full body motion inertia to platform motion resistance transmitted thru all joints in both upper and lower extremities.)
  • Allow a wider range of athletes and patients to be able to progress through a reactive training program (Concerning Safety and progressive trainings.)  

  • Help increase neuromuscular control and enhance      proprioception to help prevent and rehabilitate joint and muscle injuries

TPT Device Information:

TPT Device

Price: $390.00* plus shipping

Weight: 25 lbs
Size: 30″ x 30″ x 5″

Price includes Bearing Sets, Slider Pad Sets, Pull Chord Set,
and Bag here

To purchase any of our equipment, please call 818-981-1123 or email us at

TPT Exercise Videos

NOTE: Exercise videos with No. 2xxV are shown using DTS Device.


Targets: Core, Chest, Shoulder Girdle

Hands Twisting Platform

Side Plank

Targets: Core, Oblique, Shoulder, Triceps

Side Plank – One Straight Arm Up, One Arm Circling Platform


Targets: Core, Shoulder Girdle, Hips,

Alternating Slide Under Body with Foot Slider


Targets: Core, Shoulder Girdle

Arms Twisting Platform

Tricep Dip

Targets: Shoulder Gircle, Triceps

Arms on Platform, move Body In and Out above Platform.

Hip Bridge

Targets: Lower Back, Gluts, Hamstring,

Back laid on Floor with Feet Circling Platform

Single Leg Balance

Targets: Leg, Core, Stability

balance with perturbations.


Targets: Core, Shoulder Girdle

Hands Twisting Platform with legs jumping jack


Targets: Core, Chest, Shoulder Girdle

Walk over platform with hands and feet

Mountain Climber

Targets: Shoulder Girdle, Hips, Thigh,

Using sliders

Med Ball

Targets: Stability, Hand-Eye Coordination

Catch and Throw

Reserving Step Back Lunge

Targets: Stability, Reaction Time

Single Leg on Platform